
"We are preparing to thru hike the Appalachian Trail in 2020. We found this account extremely insightful on how the trail affects you both physically and mentally. What makes this book so special though, is the spiritual journey the writer takes you along on."
Sarah and Jonathan Baker
Future Appalachian Trail Hiker
"So happy you made this hiking adventure a reality!!  Great book!!
Sarah Ann Pate 

"Just completed reading ‘Footprints on the Mountains….’    WOW!!!  While reading the Epilogue I became choked up and emotional. That alone lets me know that the book is incredible. I’m sorry it is over, but I’m ecstatic that Dennis is home with his family and his friends.  I will pray that his long wear and tear on his body will continue to heal.  Dennis is definitely one of the toughest people I know, and I’m proud to have him as my friend.  The book is a FIVE OUT OF FIVE!!!
 Shane Wilhoit
"Yay! Way to go Dennis.  So happy for you---hiking and writing.  I keep picking up your book and re-reading parts."
  Nancy Fortner Hall, Author

What an inspiration this book is!!!  I really loved it.
Jackie Jordan
I loved the book! 
It inspired me to go do 3 days on the trail a few weeks ago with my son.
Bob Hull
“I finished your book late last night.  I was exhausted.  Every night as I read chapters I was helping you find water, food, or shelter. Ha-ha. Even though I don’t have a hiking bone in my body it was a wonderful read and I appreciate all the details and behind the scenes that you included in your book.  I never knew much about trail hikers on the AT but you certainly have opened my eyes to it. Well done thou hiker servant!  Thanks for all the God moments along the way.  It’s a good read for anyone.”  
 Lisa Clements
 Christian Speaker/Teacher
"Starting to read your book.  Very impressive."
Cherry Raines
 "What an accomplishment!  The hike and the book!"
Kathi Pearson Burriss
Just totally enjoyed it. A great read. 5.0 out of 5 stars Loved it 
September 2, 2023
Robert E. Boyer
" 'Footprints on the Mountains:  Hiking the Appalachian Trail from Georgia to Maine' is a non-fiction memoir of the author's experience hiking the whole of the 2,189.2 miles of the Appalachian Trail.  Renshaw begins by sharing the story of how his desire to hike came about and how the ultimate decision to do a complete thru-hike was made--a decision which started in the same manner that most major life determinations happen:  by asking your wife's permission and having it granted.  There is a great deal of training and preparation for such a journey, all of which Renshaw divulges in great detail.  What one can never prepare for, however, is the way the expedition will change a person so completely in the most profound physical, mental, and spiritual ways.  It is in these revelations that Renshaw's story truly comes to life.
Footprints on the Mountains is an exceptionally well written and wonderful portrayal of a man in his late 60's venturing on an odyssey that most cannot even begin to imagine.  Dennis Renshaw, who had spent his life as a pastor tending to and leading his flock, was now the one who would be left alone, prone to getting lost, getting injured, and being wholly vulnerable.  He is as prepared as he probably could be and still there is a steep and dangerous learning curve that winds throughout. "I was learning a valuable lesson.  A chill on the mountain can quickly turn into hypothermia."  I enjoyed the stories of those Renshaw met along the way and the smallest details that only an experienced hiker can give (such as purchasing a strong titanium fork that's long enough to not have your dirty fingers touch the food).  I think this is a fantastic book for those who are considering the hike, those who feel they may have lost their way, and those who, like me, appreciate an armchair adventure with a heavy dose of inspiration."        Jamie Michele
Readers' Choice
  Dr. Renshaw’s book is so well written that you feel like you are on the AT trail with him! A great read and spirituality up lifting. Takes true grit to see this hike through with all the weather and animal threats. I give it a 5.0 out of 5 stars, mentally strong.
 Thomas M.  January 26, 2020
              "Dennis (Dr. Renshaw), has combined a helpful and careful commentary of hiking the AT with powerful insights that will help anyone who reads this book begin to understand the lure of the Appalachian Trail. I was saddened to reach the end of the book, as I was so enjoying his stories and descriptions of the trail. I felt as if I was going to summit Katahdin with him."
Dr. Don Thrasher
"Footprints on the Mountains: Hiking the Appalachian Trail from Georgia to Maine" by Dennis Renshaw is the non-fiction memoir of the author's experience hiking the whole of the 2,189.2 miles of the Appalachian Trail. Renshaw begins by sharing the story of how his desire to hike came about and how the ultimate decision to do a complete thru-hike was made—a decision which started in the same manner that most major life determinations happen: by asking your wife permission and having it granted. There is a great deal of training and preparation for such a journey, all of which Renshaw divulges in great detail. What one can never prepare for, however, is the way the expedition will change a person so completely in the most profound physical, mental, and spiritual ways. It is in these revelations that Renshaw's story truly comes to life.
Footprints on the Mountains is an exceptionally well written and wonderful portrayal of a man in his late 60's venturing on an odyssey that most cannot even begin to imagine. Dennis Renshaw, who had spent his life as a pastor, tending to and leading his flock, was now the one who would be left alone, prone to getting lost, getting injured, and being wholly vulnerable. He is as prepared as he probably could be and still, there is a steep and dangerous learning curve that winds throughout.
“I was learning a valuable lesson. A chill on the mountain can quickly turn into hypothermia.”
I enjoyed the stories of those Renshaw met along the way, and the smallest details that only an experienced hiker can give (such as purchasing a strong titanium spork that's long enough to not have your dirty fingers touch the food). I think this is a fantastic book for those who are considering the hike, those who feel they may have lost their way, and those who, like me, appreciate an armchair adventure with a heavy dose of inspiration. 5.0 out of 5 stars. Excellent.
   Please Pass the Books,  December 5, 2019
 I loved the stories shared by this thru-hiker of the App trail. As a woman age 63, I was inspired to know his own travel at age 66! 5.0 out of 5 stars Great adventure! 
Jenny Cox, June 14, 2023
 "I have read a lot of AT books but I have enjoyed 'Footprints on the Mountains' more than any book I have ever read.  It wasn't just a physical journey but a spiritual journey that touched so many people on the AT, as it profoundly touched me as I read it.  I enjoyed the book so much that I am now starting my third reading.  This book is a treasure."
Marie Jones, Retired RN
Charge Nurse
This has been truly inspirational to read. Knowing some of the States and areas Dennis wrote about was of particular interest. Good adventures have given me a number 1 on my bucket list to walk at least 3 days( maybe more) on the Appalachian trail before I too meet our Maker. Thank you for this book, thank you for adding some of your spiritual perspectives and insights. 5.0 out of 5 stars
Pam, July 11, 2021
An extension of the author's ministry. Renshaw’s memoir, Footprints on the Mountains: Hiking the Appalachian Trail from Georgia to Maine (2019), does more than tell the story of his long-distance section-hikes during the summers of 2013 and 2015, completed on Mount Katahdin’s summit at the age of 66. Renshaw’s memoir is part of his Christian ministry.
As a newly retired pastor, Renshaw hiked the AT under the trail name “Preacher,” and so it is not surprising or unfitting that his memoir is preachy in places, that it frequently makes reference to the Scriptures, and that it takes a religious viewpoint. The latter is reflected in the title Renshaw chose for his memoir. Looking back at two days in Vermont, during which he suffered from vertigo, Renshaw declares,
“I know I was not capable of overcoming that many adversities and still being able to hike the next day. All the falls from the vertigo; the disorientation at times; the rain, hail, and lightning; and falling so hard at that [bog] bridge: All I can say is it’s a miracle! And thank God for His love and His care! I can say without a doubt: There was just one set of ‘footprints on the mountains,’ and they were not mine those days!”
Trail angels—as might be expected—appear prominently in this book, and their frequent appearance gives Renshaw opportunities for praise and exhortation. All of this comes as a consistent part of Renshaw’s ethos, and is, therefore—at least to this nonreligious reviewer—not in the least offensive.
The author is especially attentive to people, places, and things encountered or visited along the Trail or in trail communities. Proper names are used whenever possible. The intended audience is not expected to have any prior knowledge of the AT. All hiking or hiker terms are adequately explained. All-in-all, this is a quite detailed book, without being either condescending or pedantic.
The book itself is attractively produced, with color photographs, an easy to read font, and with Scripture references printed off to the side of the main text. It is well edited; I noted only two typographical errors. Its square shape is, of course, unconventional and more common to coffee table books. Perhaps, the author supposed his book could serve as such.
Tod Jones, Five out of Five Stars
"As a kid, we often enjoy hiking in the woods.  If you have ever taken even a short hike you will be astounded and inspired by the incredible story of Dr. Dennis Renshaw about his hike along the Appalachian Trail, hiking over 2,186 miles!  The people, animals and scenes he depicts in his book are something that will deeply inspire you.  No wonder the Psalmist said, 'The heavens and the earth declare the glory of God.'  Dr. Renshaw will help you experience the glory of God's creation.  This book, 'Footprints on the Mountains - Hiking the Appalachian Trail from Georgia to Maine' is a perfect gift for any who enjoy the Trail."
Rev. Jim Peyton
"Wow!  I can't believe it's been 5 years since you hiked!  We have your book on our coffee table.  So glad to share your experience...."
  Sandy Neighbors Bridges
“This week I finished your book.  Great book filled with uplifting stories and scriptures.  I really enjoyed all the details.  I was able to hike the Balds at Roan Mountain this summer and you brought me right back to the Trail.
What a support system it takes to complete the entire Trail.  I had no idea of Trail angels and all the other folks that help along the way.  It really showed me that people care about others.  That God has chosen a time such as this to show the world we do want to take care of each other. I commend Judy and her willingness to come along side you through the training and the hiking and sending supplies.  It takes a team of folks.  Blessings I received from reading.  May God continue to bless you as this book encouraged others whether they hike or not.”    
Teresa Spann
"I'm still in awe of your accomplishment!! It simply had to be a heart of God inspired!!  The book is a great read!!"
 Martha Griffin Underwood
 Embrace life! Love it! Thank God for it!  This book takes you on a journey without leaving the comforts of home! What an adventure! Dennis shares moments with you that make you feel you’re right there with him. The unknown he faced each mile of his hike - who would he meet? What kind of weather would the day bring? Where was that noise coming from? What would God reveal to him each day? The anticipation of all of these things kept me turning the pages. And then there was the Trail Magic ... 5.0 out of 5 stars
Nancy Gay, November 15, 2019
This book was a joy to read and with all the encounters that the author had on this awesome trip, the times spent accomplishing the tour were soul blessings to the reader. 5.0 out of 5 stars 
May Liz Kehoe, September 5, 2021
This was a gift And the recipient loved it.  5.0 out of 5 stars 
Jennifer DeBree, July 21, 2021